Considering this is a sex blog, it only makes sense to talk about sexting! Sex and technology have been finding more and more interesting ways to overlap and merge overtime meanwhile safety and privacy are considered less important to consider. So the question remains, is there a sexting guide that create a safe way to sext? And is it for us?
A Partner, Potential, or Pockets | Love or Money in A Relationship?
Love or money? When considering a relationship or considering if I should stay in a relationship, the question of love or money have never not been a concern. But what is more concerning is that it is hard to think of a couple that started out having both. This begs the question, is it greedy to expect love and money in a relationship? Or can I have my cake and eat it to?
Sex With the Lights On | While Black
Rough Sex While Black
Morning Sex | Why It Really Helps
What is your memory from the first time you had morning sex? With West Indian parents who were cool, but not that cool, learning the ways around morning sex was something I didn’t have to worry about for a while. But now, I know the importance of morning sex is crucial to my sexual and personal happiness. Find out how.
Sex-U-Cation | 2018 Sex Tips for 2019
My New Year Starts on The Second | Getting Real About The New Year
Self-Reflection During Disappointment
I’ve been dealing with bouts of depression and lack of motivation. I have been thinking less of myself and operating out of fear by not operating at all. So this week with All The FUQs I’m taking a moment to reflect and be kind to myself. Hard to do but something I’ve learned can get you further than beating yourself up.