black women sexual health

Black and Brown Communities, Title X and Trump | A Slap In the Face

Black and Brown Communities, Title X  and Trump | A Slap In the Face

Title X, people of color’s reproductive health, and Trump - how have they all become entangled, and what does it all mean? Timely (sadly) as it is, this week of Women’s History Month, we are focusing on the challenge to Title X, understanding the facts, and getting real about how it effects reproductive health in our communities and our right to access and body ownership.

Sex-U-Cation | 2018 Sex Tips for 2019

Sex-U-Cation | 2018 Sex Tips for 2019

Before we get too deep into 2019, and drop these New Year’s resolutions for actual bad habits - what can we bring over from 2018? When it comes to sex and sexual health, 2018 has been a huge year for truth and change. So let’s take a moment to recap what 2018 taught us about sex and happiness.