Today is all about free -flowing thought. So to put it briefly, why do we use pussy and dick and derogatory words? What does this reveal about ourselves?
It has always cracked me up (and I am guilty of doing this myself) when a self-defined woman has called someone else a pussy, analogous to wimp, weak or lesser than. In that moment, we are literally using one of the most powerful parts about our bodies (built, bought, or born with) and choosing to diminish it’s worth. In those heated moments when we are not thinking clearly and speaking in such a way, we simultaneously give permission to others to do devalue us.
“Is this unacknowledged self sabotage?”
Of course the same can be said for dicks to! It is not secret that a lot of of men and women enjoy giving and receiving head, and yet to be called a dick is to be a jerk, rude, a waste of time. Does this not just suggest the dick as a weak inevitable disappointment?
Is this unacknowledged self sabotage?
Well, I am not into it.
I am a pussy and nothing could make me happier. I am a pussy because I embody strength and creation. I am a pussy because I can endure flawlessly or eat you alive. I am a pussy because my pussy is me.
What about you?
With all the sex positive discussions that we pushing through, it is important to secure opportunities to learn and change in our daily lives
When we disrespect ourselves, we give others permission to do the same
With time, our vocabularies can be so much more vast. Why diminish our bodies as similes rather than use the words we really mean?