Black and Brown Communities, Title X and Trump | A Slap In the Face
photo by @OLEGMAGNI
Title X, people of color’s reproductive health, and Trump - how have they all become entangled, and what does it all mean? Timely (sadly) as it is, this week of Women’s History Month, we are focusing on the challenge to Title X, understanding the facts, and getting real about how it effects reproductive health in our communities and our right to access and body ownership.
I am not here to argue the ethics of the Planned Parenthood founder, the idea that it was started to control the black population, or the idea of the black genocide. I am not here to argue someone else’s beliefs or platform, but will be fair enough to acknowledge they exist. Instead, let’s understand what Title X is, and how these new “edits” are a slap in the face and a step backwards to our communities rights.
Title X: The Facts
The Numbers
Nothing speaks louder than facts and data so let’s get right to it: Black folk, as of the 2010 Census, take up 12.6% of the population. Hispanics are about 10%. Sure that number is victim to a host of variables but it’s what we are working with until 2020.
As of 2014, according to the Guttmacher Organization, 28% of women obtaining abortions were black and 25% were Hispanic. 39% were white.
Is Title X Pro-Abortion?
No. Currently, under Title X, none of the funds from can be used in programs where abortion is a method of family planning. Title X is not pro or anti-abortion, it is, however, pro-comprehensive family planning. This means covering all the basic services like contraceptives, beast and cervical cancer screenings, STI prevention education, abstinence counseling, research and trainings. This also means counseling and referrals for all pregnancy options.
How is Planned Parenthood a Recipient?
Planned Parenthood supports a host of services for sexual health care, with abortion only being one of them. Because Planned Parenthood runs the gambit of sexual health and wellness like STI prevention, birth control, cancer, and more, they are eligible for Title X funding.
What are CPC’s?
Crisis Pregnancy Centers (CPCs) are faith-based centers that typically push abstinence and anti-abortion rhetoric. They are anti-choice, anti-birth control. They are often located near and resemble abortion providers, however do not share abortion as an option. Some CPCs do offer some medical services like STI testing and ultrasounds, and some are even looking to become licensed clinics. However, as they do not offer comprehensive reproductive health services, they do not apply for current Title X funding.
Trump’s Desired Edits to Title X
Trump and his administration have been going against comprehensive reproductive rights and education since his campaign for presidency. Now he has announced, that they will bar organization that provide referrals from receiving federal planning money. This means that Planned Parenthood funding will go out the door while religious based organizations and CPC will waltz right in because they will now be eligible.
Edits to Title X are a Slap in the Face
Now to the good stuff. Whether you are for or against abortion is the secondary issue. The first issue, if you are for or against complete information. If you were to be told that dental health is important but were never made aware of your options like toothpaste brands, dental floss, and mouthwash, that would not be fair right?
Some may be shocked that I am using something so simple as dental heath in the same space of reproductive health, but the fact remains, we all deserve comprehensive understanding and information for all aspects of out health. We have the right to know our options and to make our own choices and have access to live out those choices.
These changes are an issue of access, not of pro-choice or pro-abortion.
Black Bodies Have Historically Been Disrespected
Having health information held from us is a story all to familiar to communities of color. We have stories like Henrietta Lacks, whose cells were taken and cultivated without her knowledge or permission. Or the Tuskegee Study that left men with syphilis as untreated test subjects for 40 years. Their choices and rights to access were stolen from them and they didn’t even know it.
Black Women Have Higher Severely Higher Reproductive Health Challenges
With respect to reproductive health, black and brown women have had (and clearly continue) to fight for control of our own bodies. OUR BODIES. As Toni M. Bond states, “issues of access to abortion services, forced and coercive sterilization, reproductive tract infections, and infant and maternal mortality and morbidity impact women of color, especially Black women, most severely.”
With these changes, organizations that are giving pertinent, life saving information, research, education, and access will be wounded. Without this funding, Planned Parenthood and other organizations that support a host of other test and reproductive health services, will be take a serious hit.
Black women are less likely to have health insurance and more likely to have difficulty gaining necessary birth control. We are more likely to die of pregnancy related complications. Consider Serena Williams, for a current example of a black woman’s maternal health being put at risk, an issue that is all to common and little addressed.
Bottom Line?
This Title X issue is NOT just about abortions, its about the right to know your options. It’s about the right for low income communities, families without proper insurance or access to get access that is their human right and to be able to be trusted to make their own decisions. People of color have been fighting for this forever, and it is moments like these that prove the need to continue our fight.
The F.U.Q.s
Your body, your right, your choice
We deserve the right to transparency and proper health coverage, point blank period.
We are our bodies. Period.