5 Myths You Need to Know About Sex, You, and Your Partner
Let's get right into it. Here are 5 of the many sex myths going around that need to be shut down.
Men can't fake an orgasm.
Folk, I am sorry to say but it is true. It has been known by many women and denied by many men and women, that women can and do fake orgasms. When poled, more often than not its to find a fast finish to an unpleasing sexual experience. Welp, to make matters worse, its hard to accept but must be acknowledged that men fake orgasms too. That's right, they fake it too. How? The same way a woman can, with some fake moans, a grimacing face, and a "you're the best" wink and nod.
A vagina should always be wet.
If you listen to any hip hop song of the last decade, they've been telling you that they either a vagina that is forever wet, or want a vagina that is. This should NOT be a goal to aspire to. Though it is true that a wet vagina means more lubrication and often a more enjoyable experience, having a wet vagina all of the time, outside of sexual stimulation can be an issue. The vulva is meant to remain dry. Now I'm not talking Saudi Arabia dry, but relative dryness is necessary to keep the good vaginal bacteria from meeting some nasty friends. Keep it wet for the fun, but make sure to pee and then clean up afterwards.
Any condom will work.
One size does NOT fit all. I have seen this in real life, with both too large and too small of a condom and it is never worth it. If the condom looks like a plastic bag over a cucumber or plastic bag going over a tow truck, it ain't gunna work. There are condoms made in different sizes, and using a condom that does properly fit can be risky for all parties involved. Don't want to kill the mood, well folk, everyone, I mean everyone, should come prepared.
Waiting to have sex doesn't do anything for a relationship.
Waiting is hard. We all know that. Everything around us is built around the idea of immediate satisfaction. Business models, education, and the sex industry seem to steer clear of delayed gratification and focus on quick pleasures.
Waiting can be as hot as it can be informative. The time you are not having sex and mentally linking yourself to another is time you can be asking important questions, vibing, and seeing if your interest in this person is more than a hormonal imbalance. And make it fun! Kissing and teasing can take you pretty far and make everything that comes later well worth the wait.
Having sex the first night automatically dooms your relationship.
Waiting, though it reveal a lot about yourself and potential boo-thang, does not guarantee that this will be your partner for life. It certainly has some positive attributes, but having sex with someone on the first night, does not automatically mean doom and gloom. First off, you may not want anything long term, but rather quick satisfaction. Though this has never proven truly satisfying to me, it has for others and should be respected as reality. And even if you might want something longer, sex on the first night does not automatically mean a substantial relationship is out of the question. How you proceed after having sex, does.